
Posts tagged with Mobile Operator Data

08 Dec 2021

OPAL by Flowminder: Flowminder secures funding to scale the access to and use of mobile operator data to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

20 Aug 2021

Haiti Earthquake (14 August 2021): Preliminary mobility results now available

20 Aug 2021

Séisme en Haïti (14 août 2021) : Résultats préliminaires sur la mobilité maintenant disponibles

22 Dec 2020

Apolitical: Mobile phone data could help speed up crucial aid to disaster victims

Published 10 Sep, 2018
20 May 2020

[Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data] How Anonymized Mobile Data Are Helping Ghana Fight COVID-19

Published 20 May, 2020
20 May 2020

Mobility analysis reveals decreased travel in Ghana, even after partial lockdown was lifted

Published 20 May 2020
19 May 2020

[] Mobility analysis reveals decreased travel in Ghana, even after partial lockdown was lifted

Published 19 May, 2020
06 Apr 2020

[Le Monde] Smartphones, applis... les défis du pistage massif pour lutter contre la pandémie

Published 6 Apr, 2020
04 Apr 2020

Flowminder publishes freely-available resources to support decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic, while preserving data privacy

Published 4 Apr, 2020
03 Apr 2020

New data methods are helping the Government of Ghana fight COVID-19

Published 3 Apr, 2020
25 Mar 2020

Enabling MNOs to produce mobility indicators to support the COVID-19 response

Published 25 Mar, 2020
24 Mar 2020

European Commission tells carriers to hand over mobile data in coronavirus fight

Published 24 Mar, 2020